New readers to Watson are usually curious to know where they can learn more about Watson online. Below you’ll find a list of conveniently organized links to various Watson resources online.
Printed Online Interviews with Jim Horwitz about Watson
“Basket Case” Interview
“Don’t Pick the Flowers” Interview
Audio Interviews with Jim Horwitz about Watson
“The Low Down” Inteview. Cape Code Radio, MA. 2012.
“Tall Tale Radio” Interview. 2013.
“The Forum” Interview. KELO, Sioux Falls, SD. 2014.
“Fancy Pants Gangsters” Interview. 2016.
Video Interviews with Jim Horwitz about Watson
“Tom Racine” Interview.
“The Punchline” Interview.
“The Trade” Interview.
“The Trade” Interview 2.
Pubic Appearances/ Events/ Shout-Outs with Jim Horwitz
“The Cartoon Crier” Center for Cartoon Studies.
“Comic Arts Festival.”
“Comics Kingdom.”
“Team Cul de Sac Charity Auction.”
“Comic Strip Saturday.”
“Hot Mess Mom.”
“Untold Tales of Bigfoot.”
“Rosetta Art Tribute.”
“Cartoonists in Portland, OR.”
“The Comic Strip of the Day” – Featuring Watson
February, 2015.
March, 2015.
April, 2015.
June, 2015.
July, 2015.
October, 2015.
December 2015.
February, 2016.
February, 2016.
March, 2016.
November, 2016.
November, 2016.
December, 2016.
January, 2017.
February, 2017.
January, 2018.
June 19, 2018.
Notable Guest Artists
Alex Hallat, Creator of “Arctic Circle.”
Jeff Parker, Creator of “Dustin.”
Benita Epstein, Creator of “Six Chix.”
Vince Dorse, “Untold Tales of Bigfoot.”
Dan Piraro, Creator of “Bizarro.”
Johhny Hart Studios, Creator of “B.C.”
Joe Staton, Artist of “Dick Tracy.”
Jeff Stahler, Creator of “Moderately Confused.”
–More coming soon!–
“Bizarro” Team-Ups with Dan Piraro and Wayno
June, 2013.
July, 2013.
July, 2013.
August, 2013.
August, 2013.
May, 2014.
October, 2014.
May, 2016.
January, 2017.
May 13, 2018.
August 19, 2018.
Watson Comic Videos with Jim
Episode 1. – The Piano.
Episode 2. – The Phone Call.
Episode 3. – Snow Daze.
Episode 4. – Time-Travel New Year.
Episode 5. – Jimmy Stewart New Year.
Episode 6. – Talking to the Avengers.
Episode 7. – New Year’s 2018
The Watson Song by Eef Barzelay of Clem Snide
“The Watson Song” by Clem Snide.