What Is Watson?

What Is Watson?, WATSON by Jim Horwitz
WATSON is a weekly web-comic that updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The strip focuses on the relationship between a little boy, Fudgey, and his ever-watchful dog Watson. Watson and Fudgey live in the town of Good Haven, learning to navigate all the perils of life, love, and laughter together.

castWatson is unique in that it is conceived and drawn as a One-Panel Narrative: a comic strip of only one frame that uses reoccurring characters and themes to create a familiar world of engaging, singular moments. As a comic strip, Watson deals with the subtleties of experience; the moments of doubt, realization, oddity, forgiveness, and love that people experience on a daily basis. While paying homage to traditional “print strips” in newspapers, Watson is something very new: It’s an online strip that celebrates the History of Comics with a renewed spirit of hope, joy, and whimsy. Watson is big and bright, colorful, and fun. – It’s “old school” in its best “new school” format.

For Comic Strip Lovers!

What Is Watson?, WATSON by Jim HorwitzWATSON is ABSOLUTELY a comic strip for comic strip lovers! While some of Watson’s strips are sentimental and sweet, others are goofy and bizarre, and having guest artists from other comic strips drop in to do “cameo days” is definitely the norm. More than just a comic strip of ideas, Watson is a visual celebration of the past and future of comic strips.


Would you like Jim to come speak at your Fine Arts/Comic event, draw a custom Watson comic strip, or consult with you about web-comics? Then don’t hesitate to contact him using THIS THING HERE.

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