The Whos in Whoville

August 5, 2013Posted In Comic

The Whos in Whoville, WATSON by Jim Horwitz
This unusual “Watson” strip is a timely salute to the new, 12th Doctor in the “Doctor Who” series, appropriately depicted as a Dr. Seuss character, “a Who,” by the same name. This strip is only really funny/cute in the context of this TV show and those who know it. It will be very cute for the next few days, but may not have a lot of staying power over time. No bother. I’m sure there will be another comic soon.

And, yes, the “milk ticket” Watsons are still emerging; just one drawing on the back of a Good Haven Elementary milk card. – When will the old strip be back? What about all the fancy colors? …Can’t say for sure. I’m just going where the winds take me.


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