At some later point – in another post – I’ll tell you more about my interest in radio. I will absolutely tell you how (in high school) I used to record a radio show (that no one but me heard) in my closet on Friday nights at midnight, and how I used record hours and hours of bizarre things off the radio on the 100s of cassette tapes I now have in my basement. But, until then, let me tell you that I still love radio documentaries and how cool they sound. Unlike visual documentaries that appear on PBS, these are “sound” documentaries conceived in the invisible, that use sounds and storytelling to create a sense of narrative, time, and place. I just found this series of jazz profiles on NPR and totally love them. Based on my quick survey, there are about 60-70 shows in all. These are great to listen to at night in the dark, on walks, or in the car. The episodes I’ve already listened to are so interesting and well done. If this is your thing then these are for you. If these are NOT your thing, they may soon become so. – Click below and listen to one.
You won’t regret it.