The idea for this strip was “generated” while trying a slightly new writing approach, which may or may not be a repeat event. Aside from the obvious gag, which may or may not make you chuckle, I think the best part of creating this strip was coloring the inner tubes. – As I sit here writing, I realize I have never typed the word “inner tube” in my entire life. WOW! …It just happened. If only all my nipples had been hear to see it.
In any event, this strip was a fun new thing and we’ll see how increasingly “zany” my strips will get. Of added note, I’m also trying a few new things with my shading, so we’ll see where that goes, too. I’ve always been very resistant to doing things with color (like fades) that don’t show up well in-print, BUT I’ve decided to let my hair down …and my nipples! – We’ll just see where the whole nipple parade takes us!
See you soon, Watsoneers!