Cold Essentials

April 15, 2013Posted In Comic

Cold Essentials, WATSON by Jim HorwitzToday’s Watson strip is another step in what’s sure to be a long, fruitful path or renewal and discovery. If you’re wondering why Watson looks a bit more like a gazelle than in previous strips you’re not alone. Watson, as well as the rest of the strip, is undergoing a transformation in an unknown, new direction. Rather than hide it from my readers, I’m hanging all my wash out on the line to dry. After two years of drawing (and thinking about) “Watson” in one, I’ve decided to turn my laundry bag upside down, empty out all my drawing socks, and start down a slightly different path. …I’m not the first one to attempt this. If I had to comment on what prompted all this, I’d say: I’d just like the strip to be a little more “free” and more fun to draw. You may not see a real difference, but it’s there I promise you. – More good things are in store each and every strip. Not sure when or where the great transformation will end or stop, but I’ll be sure to tell you when it does. I suspect it will just keep on going. That’s what Art just likes to do.


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